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The Itaimbezinho is a canyon in Brazil between the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, about 170 km from Porto Alegre. It is part of the Aparados da Serra National Park.


Itaimbezinho is a name from the Tupi-Guarani indigenous language: "ita" means stone and "Ai be" sharp.


It is located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, between Cambará do Sul and Praia Grande, in the Aparados da Serra National Park, 21 km from Cambará do Sul, the city of canyons.

Access to the park is possible via RS-429 or SC-290, on a dirt road.


It’s rock formation has existed for at least 130 million years and is one of the largest in Brazil, its length reaches 5,800 meters and a width that varies between 200 and 600 meters. Its maximum depth is 720m. The yellowish and reddish walls are covered, from point to point, by low vegetation. Around the canyon, native pine trees completed the landscape.


The Perdizes River descends the rocky walls to form the Véu de Noiva waterfall of unparalleled beauty. It falls from a height of 700 meters, producing mist before reaching the bottom of the canyon. In the blue of the canyon, like a giant serpent, the Boi River moves lazily between the rocks, forming a series of capricious waterfalls, which slide towards the neighboring State of Santa Catarina.

Itaimbezinho Canyon (Cambará do Sul, RS, Brazil) (3)

R$ 100,00Preço

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